Friday, February 17, 2017

Modified sheep handling system

After accidentally vaccinating myself with Tasvax 8 , I decided to modify my weigh scale to allow me to hold or (squeeze) the sheep I am vaccinating.

Another advantage is to prevent small lambs from turning around while on the scale.
A RFID scanner is located on the front right side of the wiegh scale. 
All our lambs get a RFID tag in the right ear. If the lamb is able to turn around, it does not get scanned.

This modification narrows up the scale so the lamb is not able to turn around while on the scale.

I am able to adjust the speed and pressure applied to the lamb or ewe.



  1. So, it's bedtime in my home, with five children ages 3 to 15 thinking of creative excuses not yet to retire, when I read your words out loud: "After accidentally vaccinating myself with Tasvax 8...."

    At that, everyone bursts out laughing. The children never found out what happened next, for I never got to read out loud any further. (The Tasvax excuse worked, though: they're still not in bed. Instead, they seem to have slipped off to the next room to tell knock-knock jokes about sheep.)

    How is that RFID system doing for you?
